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Sunday, 14 July 2013

Properties in c#

     Properties can be get and set values. The C# language provides them as a well-situated way to make things easier syntax. They are implemented as methods in the intermediate language. They are regular access points to a class from external code. Unlike fields, properties do not indicate storage locations. Instead, properties have accessors that identify the statements to be executed when their values are read or written.

-          These are Special procedures that looks like fields but internally a method

-          It allows to put a check on values entered to some field

-          Here we Use a value keyword to input the value inside a property.

Syntax 1

<scope> <return type> <property name>
                return fieldname;

Syntax 2

<scope> <return type> <property name>

Properties can of three types
1.     read/write property (set,get)
2.     read only property (get)
3.     write only property (set)


Create a class Employee having fields empid,name,basic. Use properties to manage data and return Salary.
Note: Whenever we use the values, best is Property

using System;
class Employee
    int empid;
    string name;
    int basic;
    public int EmpId //property
            empid = value;
            return empid;

    public string Name
            name = value;
            return name;

    public int Basic
            if (value < 5000)
                throw new Exception("Sorry! Basic can never be lesser than 5000");
            basic = value;
            return basic;
    public double Salary
            return basic * 2.5;


class PropertyTest
    public static void Main()
        Employee e = new Employee();
        e.EmpId = 67;
        e.Name = "Abhinav Bajpai";
        e.Basic = 8000;
        Console.WriteLine("Salary is {0}", e.Salary);

Example : Use properties without any field name

using System;
namespace PropCheck
    class Employee
        public int EmpId //property

        public string Name
        public int Basic

        public double Salary
                return Basic * 2.5;


    class PropertyTest
        public static void Main()
            Employee e = new Employee();
            e.EmpId = 67;
            e.Name = "Abhinav Bajpai";
            e.Basic = 8000;
            Console.WriteLine("Salary is {0}", e.Salary);
We sharp out two customs to use properties. Properties are a influential way to put back methods and present a more perceptive way to use your objects. They are a grouping of fields and methods on a conceptual level.


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