In My last post I was described about array programming in C# and .NET
This tutorial describes image uploading in C# and .NET. Here you will get a step by step guide to complete your goal of learning about uploading the image in dotnet technology...
This tutorial describes image uploading in C# and .NET. Here you will get a step by step guide to complete your goal of learning about uploading the image in dotnet technology...
(A)How to upload Image:
In my case, I use a FileUpload Control(Id:->FileUpload1), an ImageButton(ImageButton1) or you can use the Image, a Button Control(Id:->Updatebttn) to upload my Image, Button Control(Id:->Addbttn) to add my Image in database, an image(which I want to upload), add a new folder (Image) in my WebForm.
step1. Create a table in the database (abc) :->
Create table Image1
Id int identity (1, 1),
Image1 varchar (100)
step2. Coding for connectionstring in web.config
<add name="conn" connectionString="Data Source=AbhinavPC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=abc;Integrated Security=True;"/>
step 3. in My WebForm (Page1.aspx.cs):
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
SqlConnection conn1 = newSqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conn"].ConnectionString);
step 4. Uploadbttn Coding:
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
string fileName = FileUpload1.FileName.ToString();
string uploadFolderPath = "~/Image/";
string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(uploadFolderPath);
FileUpload1.SaveAs(filePath + "\\" + fileName);
ImageButton1.ImageUrl ="~/Image/" + "/" + FileUpload1.FileName.ToString();
step 5. Addbttn Coding:
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("insert into Image1(image1) values('" + ImageButton1.ImageUrl + "')", conn1);
(b) How to upload Audio File:
Create a table in the database(abc):
create table Audio1
id int identity(1,1),
audio1 varchar(100)
Use FileUpload Control and a Button(Id:->Uploadbttn)
In this case add a folder(Audio) in WebForm
Uploadbttn Coding:
string fileName = FileUpload1.FileName.ToString();
string uploadFolderPath = "~/Audio/";
string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(uploadFolderPath);
FileUpload1.SaveAs(filePath + "\\" + fileName);
thanks guys ......keep visiting.
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